Johnstone Strait is sort of the Route One of the Inside Passage - to the north and south there are alternate routes much used by small craft, but everyone headed to Alaska (Except for Seattle departures going outside of Vancouver Island) has to go through at least part of this long wide passage.
Northbound Passenger Tip: Get up early! I know this is the first full day of your cruise and you might have had a long day yesterday traveling.. but you're here to see the magic of this coast! The issue is that by around 10 or so, you'll be out into the much wider channels of Queen Charlotte Sound. But if you get up early, say around 6, you'll be going through the narrower channels in the vecinity of Blackfish Sound. Look for Orcas in this area, plus as you make the big turn around Mile 262, you're apt to see some current swirls in the water from the big tides in this area.